Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Hey Everybody,

I hope this finds all of you well and enjoying some better weather than most of us had over the holiday weekend. I am preparing for the big trip...but when the long lost sun came out today I took a short break to visit the Pictograph Caves just outside of town. This place used to be home to prehistoric hunters & lots of artifacts have been discovered here over the last several decades. I had hoped to wander a bit more, but then a storm rolled in...guess I should have checked the weather before paying the out-of-state visitor park fee!

I hope to show you a little more of Montana over the coming months.... For today just a couple photos. I know some of you have seen this place before, but it's so pretty that I like to stop here when I come to town. If you look closely at the last pic you can see the two best remaining examples of the pictographs (center & far right).

That's all for now...better get back to work. More soon.


  1. Next time borrow my car. Then you won't have to pay! :) SL

  2. Oh yeah....good point! But the karma thing...I gotta think about this one! :-)
