Monday, May 14, 2012

Martha's Vineyard and Beyond

Hey Everybody!

First of all, I hope that those of you who are mothers had a good day yesterday - especially the two of you celebrating for the first time!

Secondly, there was no rain yesterday....none....not a drop! And the sun even came out for a while in the late afternoon. New England is so nice in the sunshine. I took advantage of the perfect day to take myself & my bike to Martha's Vineyard on the ferry. It is VERY expensive to take the car over - and even though it might be handy to have, it's quite easy to get around by bike and bus. If you opt for the bus, buy the day pass ($7) because each town charges a $1 for the bus. I was lucky that my bus driver educated me; I didn't hear another driver recommend that option.

This is a photo from the ferry before leaving Woods Hole - gotta love the two-story houseboats. At least I'm assuming that's what they are...

And, some views of MV:

The West Chop Lighthouse

The East Chop Light

I already know what you're thinking! Something along the lines of "those are some scary ass horses," right? I thought so too, but I looked at the official postcards and the eyes look this way. So, it wasn't me :-) Anyway, this is America's oldest operating carousel.

These are two of the 300 or so "Gingerbread Cottages" in Oak Bluffs. The community is built around a central tabernacle and used to be one of several open air Christian Revival summer camps in the country.

As I am used to riding my bike on flat roads I must confess that after about 3hrs of biking with some hills I parked the bike and took a bus the 18 miles up to Aquinnah Cliffs. People ride up there...I am not one of those people!

The Gay Head (Aquinnah) Lighthouse and beach. The cliff beaches are closed, at least between Sept-June. Bummer! Most of the remaining Wampanoag Indian Tribe lives in Aquinnah - part of which is designated tribal land.

One last Cape Cod photo taken this morning before sitting in traffic FOREVER (more than 90min to go about 2mi) because the Sagamore Bridge is under repair. Boston was a breeze grateful for that! The Three Sisters Lighthouses (Nauset) - a site marker says they are a rare surviving example of a triple lighthouse configuration.
The rain has started again...and is forecast for a couple more days, but I have made my way, at last, to Maine. I already love the coast - rain, rocks and all. Here are a couple pics till I explore further.

The Cape Neddick ("Nubble") Light in York - on it's own little island and a close-up.
Thanks for stopping by. I'll write again soon.


  1. Love those pastel houses - they are cute!

  2. I want a gingerbread cottage! How about we all pitch in together and get one. What do you suppose they run?

  3. I don't know..didn't see any for sale, but my guess is they ain't cheap! But let's give it a whirl......
