Monday, May 21, 2012

Acadia National Park!

Hey Everybody,

And just like that the weather is practically perfect and bugs almost nonexistent! Thus, on Friday I set up my tent at Blackwoods Campground, which is beautiful & close enough to the coast (5min walk) that I could hear the waves all night. Love that!

Ideally, I would have spent a week here. That was the plan two months ago, but things happen, rain falls, and I'm almost out of time. There are plenty of trails still to explore (and other reasons) to make a return trip.

The five minute walk from campsite leads to here:

It also links to the park's Ocean Trail, which winds around part of the coast.

The first lighthouse of the day is Egg Rock Lighthouse (1875). It's a bit offshore as you can tell, but cool just the same.

This is Sand Beach. Given the number of beaches made up of boulders...sand is a nice surprise around here!

Thunder Hole is one of the park's tourist highlights. I was there at low tide, but even then the rumbling is impressive.

A little beach along the park road....

A pond along the road....

And a stop in Bar Harbor. Still low tide! For 2 hours before and 2 hours after low tide people walk out to Bar Island. This is very accessible - right downtown along the waterfront.

This one is the other half of Bar Island and the other island is named after an animal (sheep or porcupine or something).

Perfect beach for a friendly game of volleyball....anyone?

Acadia, Day Two coming up...


  1. Stunningly beautiful. I guess I can forgive you for not posting for a couple of days. SL

  2. What a great place to camp, it's beautiful!

  3. It was a perfect camping campsite neighbor was annoying!! And there was a traffic issue...but it was excellent!
