Wednesday, May 9, 2012

In Pursuit of Monet...

Hey Everyone,

The rain has returned to New England, but that afternoon of sunshine on Monday was SO nice! I hope that happens least by the time I get to Maine, which is fast approaching. All of this is from yesterday. This is a pic of a funky building in Providence, RI. I have no idea what it is (or was).

I do know I didn't linger long in Providence because the parking attendant made it pretty clear I could expect to have my bike stolen. But I spent about 2 hours - sometimes wondering whether the attendant was watching my bike or calling his buddy in the bike thief ring :-). Mostly I wandered through the Rhode Island School of Design, which is a very nice museum; more than I expected and not just because their Monet paintings were actually on view.

So, if you want to see some old on. If not, you should stop here because that's all I have today. :-)

From the RISD Art Museum:

Monet's 1874 The Basin at Argenteuil

Rodin's The Hand of God

Next I head straight for Boston's Museum of Fine Arts because they have the largest collection of Monet outside of France. In fact, their Monet Gallery has 9 Monets, along with Renoirs, Van Goghs, a Rodin sculpture....and some other stuff. I asked the Gallery's Docent if there were any other Monets in this huge museum and he looked at me like I was the dumbest person on the planet and said, "If you mean on display, no. There are others, but they are not out." didn't take me but 5 minutes to find another Monet outside the gallery. I love being right...I accept that as one of my flaws! However, one of my favorite paintings, which the museum has, was not on display. Bummer! If I lived in New England...I would be a member of this museum. It is far too much to absorb in one day, especially when it's costing $12/hr to park!!

From Egypt 2645-2323 B.C.

Sorry it's crooked, but it's Picasso's naked woman...don't think crooked will hurt it!

A couple by Van Gogh:

Finally, two more Monet. Both are the Royal Cathedral:

Although I couldn't stop to take any pictures, Boston/Cambridge has some of the coolest buildings! You'll just have to go! I have more on the agenda in Boston & other points in Massachusetts, but head further north in the eternal rain...I'm holding out for better weather for the coast. :-)

Next post will be later tonight or maybe tomorrow....and it will be all outdoors, no museums! Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Hoping with all my heart that you have better weather tomorrow! SL
