Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Time's up...

Hey Everybody!

Last night:

My watch tells me it's 8:15pm as I sit down to write one last post from Australia. It also means that in almost exactly 24 hours I should be almost asleep in Billings.

Anyway, I am up way past my recent bedtime, but I gotta pack & post a couple pics from the Blue Mountains. I did make it up there today, but it wore me out. One bushwalk and I was quickly reminded that's the most exercise I've had since swimming on Saturday. Bushwalking required breathing, which led to coughing. But I got there even if it was not enough time to really explore.

It is a World Heritage Area, beautiful, and worth a visit. You are looking at The Jamison Valley with the Orphan Rock in the foreground. If you look closely at the rock you might see the fence around the edge. Apparently, this rock was once open to!

Next, the Rough Tree Ferns. It can grow 36 ft high with fronds 13.5ft long. They are one of the oldest species of plants on earth & found only in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Blue Mountains National Park is probably most famous for The Three Sisters, which is an Aborigine sacred spiritual site. Mt. Solitary is in the distance (on right). The last pic is a close-up of the Three Sisters - look way left for the red jacketed person. It's not me. But that is where the one bushwalk led's a nice walk, but not when breathing is an inconvenience :-). The bridge ends just beyond that the gash.

That's Australia in a nutshell! It's an awesome place! I hope to get back here again someday. Thanks for stopping by, as always!

Fly day:

What a difference one night can make. I didn't get up at all overnight with coughing fits. I think they're gonna let me on the plane; a couple days ago I had real doubts about that! Cold is not gone, but it is better.

I'm up earlier than expected and have time to get a little more Aussie sand between my toes before heading off to catch the ferry. In fact, I had time to grab one last Billygoat wrap from Billows at the Beach. This is my favorite breakfast in all Aussie travels! Billows is just across from the beach & it has live acoustic tunes of Fridays, hat night Saturdays (eat meal whilst wearing your hat & you get one free drink), and two ladies' nights for a visiting clairvoyant. Staff are friendly and generous with travel tips!

One last thing 'cuz I know you'd want to know. For the first time I caught a morning news show co-hosted by a black woman & white dude. Every time I look at them I am reminded of Donny & Marie. It's just uncanny!

One last important fact - hopefully I didn't post this in during my cold fog. Righty tighty & lefty loosey - almost never applies here, which matters a lot when the hot water gets really hot!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a great trip. Glad you're making your way home. We will be gone tonight...ballgame, C at fair. M works 10-7 so might be around. I will put clean pillow and blankees on your couch in case your crash before we get home! :) SL
