Sunday, August 5, 2012

Rainbows & other natural wonders

Hey Everybody!

Disclaimer: To prevent any disappointment I want you to know there is no pic of a rainbow. I hope you'll keep reading....

Overnight it poured rain. This afternoon it hailed...when it wasn't raining. But in between destinations I saw a rainbow very similar to the one I saw in Melbourne Friday evening. As a general rule, I take rainbows as good omens. And so it was today too.

This morning when I was on the coast (Great Ocean Road briefly) and this evening when it mattered most the weather was good. It was windy enough to nearly knock my feet out from under me, but not raining! What's more, during the hail/rain I found the perfect place to hang out.

This morning I was on the road at 7am as planned. I wanted to see a couple things on Great Ocean Road before heading to a cool island about 4hrs away.

Bay of Martyrs

London Bridge
The Twelve Apostles. Don't count 'em.... You can't see all of them because of headlands, but they do exist.
It was not easy, but I forced myself inland to take the fastest route to Phillip Island. I just had to come here to see the Fairy Penguins. They are the smallest of the 17 species of penguins at barely 1ft high. Every day of the year at sunset, hundreds (or more, depending on the season) return to their nests after a day (or days) of fishing. It's called the Penguin Parade and is one of Australia's biggest attractions. Some nights more than 1,000 people come to watch. It rained before and after sunset, but not a drop while all the people were out watching the penguins waddle back home.
One more thing about the penguins: earlier today I saw a pic of penguins and a kangaroo. I thought for sure it must be a scam...tonight while we waited for the penguins we saw about 6 kangaroos on the hillside near some of the penguin nests. How cool is this country?!

Cameras are NOT allowed, so I snapped these pics earlier just so you could see them too. The first pic is of a postcard & the second is a 100% chocolate display at the chocolate factory (we'll get to that in a moment).

How often do you run into a sign like this one?!
Although I will stay the night on the island I really don't have much time to explore here. My plan was to bushwalk some coastal paths 'cuz I love to say I'm bushwalking :-). Anyway, rain and hail led me in a different direction.
I'm SO glad! I know some of you have been hoping I'd find a good man during my travels. It finally happened today. His name is David (after Michelangelo's masterpiece) & here's his pic:

By the way: He is made of 100% milk chocolate!

So, at the Phillip Island Chocolate Factory you can take a tour, see cool stuff, and make your own candy. I made this piece on one of the machines & a candy bar on another. On the candy machine you can choose the type of chocolate & the filling. One of the options was Vegamite. Uugghh! Speaking of Vegamite, it is available at McDonald's here - in little packets (like a jam packet). I have no idea how people use it at McDonald's, but apparently they do.

Two of the fun things to see on the tour:
The Chocolate Bar

Chocolate Ice Scream

Another early start in the morning, so I better wrap up. Hope all is well at your end. I will be in touch again soon. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Thank goodness for that green leaf! Looks like a delicious and fun day!

  2. I'm thinking photo number 2 or 3 will be my new screen savers...and you can't bring your chocolate boyfriend home unless you plan to share. I hope you picked up a packet of vegimite at McD's for R. :) SL

  3. 1- there is activity under the green leaf....just FYI!
    2- yep, picked up 2 packets for R!
    3- as for beer: tell R that VB (Victoria Bitter) is the " cheap" beer here, but still not as cheap as Fosters. Toolee (sp?) is the popular beer according to a bartender.
    4- sure I can share David...they can make a new boyfrind
