Tuesday, July 31, 2012

More from Australia....

Hey Everybody....

I must confess that I begin each day at the beach. Each morning before sunrise I started wandering for a couple of hours. Technically, I might have been walking along the Tasman Sea not the Pacific Ocean (according to a local who isn't quite sure)... But I think the Pacific is pretty close if not right where I was. Each morning I run into surfers and swimmers.... The water is cool right now - prob'ly mid-60s - but it feels pretty good. And these folks hit the water daily. I so appreciate that! :-)

I get distracted quickly by the shells..... GOOD shelling here and in some places it's okay to collect them. This area cannot be collected.

The little parrots (rainbow lorikeets) hang out in the trees along the beach and are pretty distracting too. They can get loud and they're cute.

So, a few sunrises images:

After wandering through the Australian Museum and up & down numerous streets I decided it was time for a real bushwalking experience, which will have to in another post (sorry).

A couple of scary pics from the OLD days....first, a Diprotodon (a distant relative of koalas!). And secondly, another distant relative of those cute little koalas....a marsupial lion.

By the way, here's the Manly Wharf since I keep mentioning the Manly Ferry.
So, this the trip in a nutshell....will try to be in touch again soon. Hope this finds you well. Thanks for stopping by!

PS Sharm, this is for C! :-)


1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine the self-control it took not to pick up those shells. And C is not impressed w/the Hobbit--in any reference!
