Saturday, September 8, 2012

Juneau, AK

Hello again...

After a 38hr nonstop trip on the ferry from Bellingham to Ketchikan we were off to Juneau. Here's a belated post about the few hours we were docked.

We made it to rainy started clearing up about the time we had to get back on the ferry. Kind of a bummer, but not surprising in a town that has 255 or so rainy days each year.

This stop was a bit crazy because we docked about 15mi out of town & then had to taxi in, which was pretty cheap in groups. There was a public bus route about a 45min walk away, but most of us didn't take that option. Some did. Unfortunately, our taxi didn't come to get us in 20min as stated, so we waited an hour to get a ride into town. I know....should have taken the bus!

So, I made a quick (30 min) run to the Mendenhall Glacier, grabbed a quick bite in town & that was it. The glacier has receded so much since I saw it two years ago. Another woman had seen it 7 years ago & was even more shocked than I was.

Just a couple pics. One from the glacier, two as we are leaving the Juneau dock, & one that doesn't do justice to the cape we approached on the way to open water (Gulf of Alaska).

It's about 11pm on Friday night & I should probably get some sleep. I'd like to be up & out for sunrise.....we'll see. I hope to get caught up on the ferry drive posts soon, so I don't get too behind on Kodiak. Already much to report......stay tuned! :-)

Hope this finds all of you well and enjoying the rest of summer. Thanks for stopping by! And I wish you were here.....this island is unbelievably beautiful & cool!


  1. I have a friend who lives in Juneau and hikes that glacier weekly, weather permitting! Beautiful! SL

  2. We saw the Mendenhall Glacier 10 years ago. I bet it has really receded since then.
