Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Back in Longyearbyen

Hey Everybody!

I am back online, for the moment at least, we returned to the Longyearbyen port a little while ago & then I head off in search of Internet since I don't leave for the airport 'til 1pm. First I found a place that charged $20 for an hour or two (at the most)...did I mention it's expensive here?! Thus, I kept wandering until I found the library and the people camped out on the floor.....free Internet!

So, here's my plan....I wrote my posts every day or so & hope to be able to post a couple a day to get you caught upon the trip...starting next post.

By the way, we had more good weather than bad the entire trip....very lucky! As we got closer to Longyearbyen I could feel the cold air and occasional rain drops in my room. Yes, I sleep with the window open... These cold countries keep things painfully hot!

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