Sunday, December 23, 2012

Holiday Greetings....

Hey Everybody,

Since I've started the trip blog, I find there’s not much news for a formal letter, but I decided I could start a list on what I've learned: 

1. Living next to & sharing a bathroom with a 17yr old boy isn't so bad. Sometimes he grabs me when he finds cool music online; I love that!

2. When going to your friend's children's Christmas choir dinner/concert it's ok to wear hiking boots as dress shoes if the blouse is dressy. That makes sense when the alternatives are (a) flip flops -casual or dressy and (b) white w/ pink tennis shoes…right? ...which brings me to the next two points:

3. Travel packing is all about reuse and recycle. Still, it's tough to pack for a year (or more) and be prepared for everything, especially when you've intentionally packed "throwaway" stuff. On a related note, I wonder for how many more days I can wear the same t-shirt before my friend and/or her children stop inviting friends over to the house.

4. The longer I travel the less stuff I need or want.

5. In every place I visit I seem to add 2-3 new "must see" places to my list.

6. I am not tired of traveling - not even a little.

7. I remain most grateful for the opportunity to travel & for your support. Thanks especially to Sharmi for being my caretaker this year (mail, stuff, car, person who hears my stories repeatedly, as well as my frequent plan &  progress reports when I am in town) and to her family for letting me come and go as I do.

8. I have loved every place I have been....some more than others, but all would be a pleasure to revisit.

9. I can live with a stranger on a ship IN A VERY SMALL CABIN for three weeks and survive. Surprisingly, so did the stranger...

10. I have felt safe at every point along the way. People have been wonderful far more often than not. Sometimes strangers offer help before asked. Sometimes they just chat with you when crossing the street. Sometimes the kid behind the counter at the ice cream shop 
you visit [in Ushuaia] remembers you & your order even when you aren't in for three weeks.

11. While it is unlikely that I ever will be of Ansel Adam's caliber, my efforts reward me just often enough to keep lugging around my gear. 

12. Learning to drive on the other side of the road was fun and not difficult, perhaps especially in the Australian Outback. Why?
When people ask: "Have you ever driven on the left?"
You get to answer with some variation of: "No problem. I learned to drive in The Outback."
It's like Crocodile Dundee....only in reverse. Well, sort of.

13. My greatest challenge when passing through international airports is the bookstore. While I haven't made a purchase yet, I have written down dozen of titles, all of which I have looked up upon return to Montana. Only later do I discover that I often cannot buy the books in the US. About one third of the time I cannot find them on a UK website either.

I hope this finds all of you well and where you want to be this holiday season. Best wishes for 2013. 


  1. We are so grateful you are with us this year. Merry Christmas! SL

  2. Love this list! I'm hoping you will be singing "One Night in Bangkok" when you get home from your next trip.
