Tuesday, December 18, 2012

One last post from Antarctica.....

Hey Everybody!

So, on the morning of November 19th we made landfall on the Peninsula at Paradise Harbour - an actual shore excursion on the Antarctic Mainland! The Argentinian Station is here - Brown Base.

The snow was quite deep here - there were places where I fell in thigh-deep, but getting out was manageable (and amusing). We also did some zodiac cruising. Here are a few pics from the morning:
Later the same day, we made landfall at a second mainland Harbour (Orne). Some people hiked a steep & slippery trail to see a Chinstrap Penguin colony. I knew I could walk up the hill, but wasn't looking forward to the icy walk down. Thus, on this last shore excursion of the trip I hung out at the base of the mountain for awhile and then had a most excellent final zodiac cruise. Many people skipped this last cruise and/or had shorter excursion with a less adventurous driver.
I was most pleased to get up close to these huge snow dunes in a hidden cove way out in the bay.
And we were able to get up closer to glaciers on this final Antarctic outing: I did mention my favorite color here was blue, right :-)
Once again, thanks for traveling along on this voyage that took forever to post. I think I have a little more from Easter Island and we'll be all caught up. More soon.....



  1. Those are so beautiful. It looks like someone came along and blew out (explosion style) the snow/ice to build snow sculptures. The fact that this isn't what happens makes them even more stunning.
