Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Stormy California

Well, I didn't plan to write today. However, I have readers
:-) and things are very strange here... it's the 4th straight day of storms. Winds gusted up to 85mph. There was another small earthquake up the street last night. Cliffs continue to erode 10ft per day. The Southbound lanes of The Great Highway [Ocean Beach, San Francisco] are closed due to further erosion. Here's a link to a picture of the eroding cliffs in Pacifica:

The roof at the house is actively leaking in 5 places. And in the words of the clerk behind the desk at the hotel where I live I had "lots of boyfriends last night." As I have never referred to ANTS as boyfriends it took a minute to realize she understood my need for service early this morning. I chuckled along with her joke until she shouted upstairs [where breakfast is served!] to the maintenance man, "Room 1 - - had lots of boyfriends last night. Make sure you get in there before housekeeping."

So, there you have it. Life in can't make up this stuff!!


  1. How many boyfriends do you have today?

  2. None living!
    Sadly, a few limp remains were spotted on the wall after yesterday's housekeeping.
