Saturday, January 12, 2013

Africa - Day 1

Hey Everybody!
It is almost bedtime in Windhoek (10:30pm) - must go to bed because it's my last chance to sleep in a bed. Starting tomorrow we are tent camping in the wild (yes, that does mean bush bathrooms). I wanted a real African adventure...think I'm getting one. It also means not so good Internet access - I can't get on my blog,but am trying this email to blog feature. Hope it works! Just know that I cannot respond to (or even read at the moment) your comments, but I will.

Tonight I met the people I will be traveling with - different ages and lots of laughter. That's a good sign! We had dinner together at Joe's Beerhouse. Photos of the inside are not permitted, which is a real bummer. It has all kinds of stuff to look at, including animals and animal skins. When I get a chance, I will check online for pics.

For dinner I opted for safety - a mushroom pasta. It was quite good. But at the end of the night I tasted a bite of Ostrich (pretty good) and Kudu (that's the animal with the long spiral horns). The Kudu was okay, but I don't need to try it again unless it's more well-done. I could have tried Zebra, and nearly did, but the people who ordered it didn't like or recommend it. So I passed.

The city of Windhoek doesn't seem to have much to offer (that's even according to the local guides). I was in town for about two hours today - not much open & it was really all about shopping. The most interesting encounters of the city were:

1. The chats with street sellers and watching people barter. I bought nothing, but it's so tempting!
2. I met an American girl at a lunch cafe who has been traveling by herself (often) for four years. How cool is that?!

No pics yet....just can't get online long enough to upload & I only have one of the street sellers anyway.

So, as always, thanks for stopping by. I will be in touch when I get a chance.

Sent from my iPad


  1. It worked! Can't wait to see the pictures!

  2. Can't wait to hear all about it but hopefully not about scorpions! Bet the sand dunes will be as impressive as the snow dunes in Antarctica. What a contrast! Lesley

  3. Good luck in the tent! Looking forwad to pictures.
