Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Population: 34

Hey Everyone!

It is 9:30AM Alaska time. I made it to Homer (FINALLY) and have only today to explore.....story later. Here's the next installment from the ferry trip. Have a good day. J


It's true....34 people live in False Pass. During peak fishing season they do get transient workers in the processing plant (currently being expanded). There is a store here - sold Klondike ice cream for $1 & for some crazy reason several of us bought ice cream to eat as we walked around this rather chilly & windy town.

The warehouse & crab traps for the upcoming season.

The view as a fishing boat comes in around 5:45pm.

The town (many of the buildings appeared to be empty). Not surprising when there are ony 34! residents.

We barely left the dock before the wind picked up, rain started to fall, and the white caps grew more visible.


As it turns out, the southbound trip was a breeze compared to the return trip, but that story later :-)


  1. 34! It's getting less and less populated. I hope they don't convice you to stay and be # 35.

  2. MB, you need not worry. I do not fish. I do not can and preserve things. And some days I could barely stand the stink from the Kodiak canneries& I was outside! No way I could work in one. :-)
