Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Iceland Photos - Intro

Just outside of where the fish plant dries its fish remains in order to grind it to a marketable powder. Apparently much of it is sold to Africa. This was my first stop case you're wondering why....

This lake used to be much deeper, but an earthquake stole the water, making it possible for me to stand in this spot for a pic.
Do you see the troll? It is said that trolls turn to stone if they see the sun.
Seltun is part of oneeom the four active volcanic systems along the Reykjanes peninsula (near Reykjavik).

Lava field & craters go all the way to the coastline. Icelanders joke that Hawaii got the better deal b/c they have the warm weather with their volcanoes.
The first black sand beach that I saw...people are no longer allowed on this beach because it's unsafe (erosion, tides).

The color of the geothermal water due to the sulfur and/ or other natural chemicals in it. Caution: will turn your hair into something that feels like hay, so condition it during & after entering these waters!

Icelandic Horses on a lava field

Part of the largest hot spring in Europe
Gotta watch the road for these:

I promised to show typos flowers that can't survive in they are! These flowers create soil in lava fields, but once there is healthy soil the flowers die - to make room for other plants.
An old church...the roof & sides are sod/grass

More soon.....


  1. What are those lava flowers called? Because they are me! :) And how do you know about the hair conditioning thing? Did you swim?

  2. I will try to find a name for flowers....I have been told by several people about the hair thing & also read it. I have been in the geothermal water 2x so far... I love it and might have to live here.

  3. I like the horses with the little short legs but not the ugly (and probably stinky) fish!
