Friday, April 20, 2012

Me Thinks Thou Dost Protest Too Much...

That's what went through my mind when I had to stop -illegally- just past the toll booth this afternoon. I gave the woman a $10 for a $2 toll. She gave me several bills back and I failed to check them on the spot, but I did check 'em! I pulled over as soon as I could and walked back to the woman. She insisted that I hadn't just passed through her lane: "Not my lane. It wasn't me. Are you sure?"

Please....of course I'm sure! The interesting twist is that she managed to grab a $5 without opening a drawer and handed it to she tried once more to get me to change my mind. Now perhaps toll booth operators keep a bucket of loose bills handy to cover innocent errors, but somehow I doubt that! In all my driving years, this was a first!

Anyway... I left the Shenandoah Valley today, but enjoyed the long drive through the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Mountains remind us to look up! My last stop in Virginia was The Natural Bridge. Thomas Jefferson purchased this property (the bridge and about 157 acres) in 1774 for $2.40. Frankly, that makes it even harder to accept the entrance fee ($28!). That fee includes other things too, but it is way overpriced!!!! You know, in my opinion....

The bridge is estimated to be 500 million years old, is 55 feet higher than Niagra Falls, and US Route 11 crosses over it. Included in the fee is a toy museum, a wax museum, a small Butterfly Garden, and a cave.

The cave's canyon areas were interesting...a little bit like I might expect to see in outer space. It is the deepest cave on the east coast at 340 feet (I think). Unfortunately, it also seems to be the most likely cave in which a tourist will be injured (someone fell after we entered & people kept slipping), in the poorest condition from human intrusion, and not presented especially well during the tour. Of course, that last comment is partly due to my assessment of what was interesting, what was skipped, and how rushed it felt at the rare good spots. Caves are moss free until lighting is installed and this has more than I have ever seen. I used the word "mold" in a question and was reprimanded (gently). The guide said the cave might have to be "cleaned" at some point. That raises more questions...

I think I've been on the road about three weeks taking a detour to visit a friend. I will be in touch again a few days. I have come up with some possible "Top Ten" lists while driving, so I might post a sample on the blog for fun. Hope all is well....enjoy your weekend. And, thanks for stopping by!


  1. Okay. The moss is gross. That doesn't even look good. Enjoy a few days hanging out with people you actually know! :)

  2. Falling on slippery moss - yucky. The first picture is awesome! You've seen lots of good stuff so far.
